The InvArch weekly Updates contains important messages, advances, latest ideas and information concerning the protocol at large. This weekly Updates serve as a medium through with the entire blockchain community is aware of the important changes related to the InvArch protocol in one way or the other.
As the name implies, ‘InvArch Weekly Updates’ keeps users Updated on;
· What is happening In the InvArch ecosystem
· Changes that might affect the previous protocol operations
· Upcoming community activities
· Breakdown of previous financial endeavours
· Partnership and collaborations
For our technology Updates this we have big updates regarding the names and terminology used within the InvArch tech stack. IP Files, IP Sets, IP Tokens, IP Modules, and the InvArch Validation Standard.
Intellectual Property Files (IPFs): Intellectual properties stored as non-fungible & authenticated files. These were originally called IP Tokens; however, this change has been made to reflect a more fitting description of the data being minted. Also Intellectual property files are indexed against each other to avoid plagiarism.
Intellectual Property Sets: This us a collection of intellectual property sets stored together.
Intellectual Property Tokens: Initially in this text, we referred IP Tokens as IP Files.
Intellectual Property Modules (IPMs): A series of custom & interdependent Substrate Pallets that provide IP functionality to integrated Parachains. This is a fairly new term to become familiar with.
InvArch Validation Standard (IVS): A cross-chain standard for IP tokenization, ownership, utility, and authentication. IVS can be viewed as an L0 standard for verifying & protecting the uniqueness of all digital assets throughout web 3.0.
From our previous announcements, we reopened the opportunity for member to join our ambassador and the entire InvArch community is happy to welcome the new ambassador. They are;
Koltash174#0636 |LeWeHoRRoR#5486 | Чикипоки#4271 | kirillbulavko#6631 | axi#5741 | K3100690pdi#0012 | Solomon#2451 | ayahin#3509 | djlenna12345#6760 | Kerry#5808 | Amigo#6872 | nikto#5901 | Remont#2633 | Lewis_08#6059 | TiM#1705 | ardhold#7727 | zoia queen#7436 | makh1evv#1563 | Almanah | igor#7936 | Nilax#2947 | NFT#4113 | Obedobed21#9391 | Koval_Bohdan#0831 | Tatyana Mikhaleva#4701 | Artem#3888 | Alex0111#2570 | Ba3is#1622 | coinserg84#3363 | borodaa#7548 | wenarios#3503 | 4ex#9138 | HeroLeft#1890 | Sergey8088#6192 | Olayoce#3846 | tiptop#5213 | AlexIvanovich#4340 | renedan#8345 | vanbumbun#2611 | asverty#1162 | arefeva2802#5118 | Elldee0#5595 | Darling#1337 | bumer1988#4225 | tank34#7213 | JohnnyTimm#9555 | Habir#6218 | Loty#9720 | belousov1406#8223 | Mduck#7864 | IcicleYT#9857 | Liudmila#1746 | FreDmann#3381 | Kasp#1555 | pipetka#6158 | uliya1290#2076 | Alexinv00 | RØ CRYPTØ#0291 | Shiawase#1537 | Sergo Banany#1690 | blue_pez#4277 | AnnaGera_84#7300 | abron1979#0837 |deejhex#0720 | Altcoinist#3794 | Anilawred#5388 | aydin0538#2025 | Gena#6044 | onur#1111 | CRYSTAL#9140 | Twister42#6392 | arxangel1#1792 | Anton Kirenkin#2048 | Niklauzi#2466 | maxvoyakin#4739 | swimmingbird007#0498 | Роман#6444 | yhleo#1591 | gelyunenko#8979 | Oleksandr#2124 | Sergio#0083 | ybMELLO#8766 | Oleg_iv#4623 | KiraL#1890 | alex94#0403 | Leo!_!#7370 | Bmxlife#9468 | solomiya#1726 | Timmyturnerx#8660 | Joshyysmartt#0137 | Наиль#0120 | vk_414#3477 | Dmitrij#5290 | Venturesome#6221 | volhamaroz#3416 | Ned21 | ник#0581 | LucyBird#9831 | raska2555#6310 | ivashova2612#0914 | karrik90#5886
The ambassador form is still open for anyone who wishes to participate. Do so as soon as possible. As we’re always happy to have new individuals around us in the InvArch community. And for those who applied and haven’t gotten any response. Please be patient.
Concerning our seed round, The round has officially closed, and while we appreciate the continued interest, we ask those individuals to hang tight for now. And as previously announced, one final strategic funding round is planned for the future.
Conclusively, the InvArch protocol at Large has been growing fast and steadily. The ambassador program is a huge opportunity for every individual to be part of this growth. Be sure to follow all InvArch Updates as we’re excited to have you here.
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