Tapmydata is a cross-platform mobile application designed to pioneer the way for personal data empowerment. The company’s platform offers a secure data wallet, ID verification and a web portal that manages requests and shares data, thereby enabling people to own their digital identity and companies to rebuild trust.
Tapmydata is an app with which u can request access to ur personal data and other information's about you possessed by a third party organization and in turn, get rewarded.
Tapmydata: Get rewarded in Crypto-currency asset {$TAP} token for taking control over who can access your data being held being held by various organizations across the world.
How does it work?
A request is made in the form of an email to the organization believed to hold your data, a public record of your request is being logged without any personal identifying data to a stellar blockchain. This record can be used later to verify if the request was sent. The tapmydata platform and the obtained personal data is for your own personal use.
You get a certain amount of tokens in $TAP when you register an account. When a request to an organization is made, this is logged into a system with timestamp.
A certain fraction of your token is removed from the total amount you have when you registered your account.
Once an organization fulfils your data request, you receive a credit of tokens to your total from Tap as a reflection of successful transfer.
Quick question: Is your data save with tap?
Tap implements an end-to-end encryption for your data request and also the response from the organization. Tap only exposes your request to the intended organization of your request and only you can read the response sent from the organization using your Tap data locker.
When you verify data you submit, the data is deleted once verified and replaced with a hash so Tap is not holding the data
Tap retains records and the volume of requests to and from organizations in other to operate the token mechanism using blockchain technology. This data may also be used for reporting and benchmarking purposes
Tapmydata is on the right track to helping have control over our digital data and prevent our personal data from being abused. We should be looking forward to the development of this amazing project.
Quick Link:
Tapmydata website: https://tapmydata.com/
Tapmydata Whitepaper: https://docs.tapmydata.com/
Note: This is a sponsored article written for a bounty reward.
Bounty0x Username: Latsan