InvArch is an Intellectual property management protocol designed for the Polkadot ecosystem. InvArch will be seeking a slot on the Polkadot relay as a Parachain; however, InvArch will also be introducing a cross-chain IP Pallet Module in order to expand the functionality of IP minting directly and throughout the entire ParaChain Universe.
Currently in our world, there exists an abundance of ideas and a plethora of skill sets, but rarely do we have a platform that integrates ideas and the skills to bring every thought process to fruition. Actually there right now isn’t a stage where licensed innovation and personal abilities can safely associate. Without this medium, thoughts have no intellectual property protection while being shared, work gives no intellectual property protection, subsequent to being contributed, and new companies have restricted openness. To cure this absence of intellectual property protection, brought together elements and frameworks are liable for assertion. That is the unique problem InvArch remedies.
InvArch is an intuitive and cutting-edge blockchain protocol that bridges the gap between ideas and creation; connecting a world of thinkers, creators, and finance under one ecosystem, allowing innovation to flourish. This is achieved through the tokenization of ideas, fractionalizing their ownership, and providing a secure and transparent ecosystem where users can connect, collaborate, and form partnerships.
What Make InvArch Special?
The InvArch Parachain will serve 3 key purposes. These are providing functionality for IP tokenization, management, and utility. In addition, Invarch would provide mart contract functionality in order to usher in a new breed of decentralized Applications built on the InvArch protocol. And lastly, Provide a mechanism for detecting cross-chain plagiarism throughout the Polkadot ecosystem of Parachains by expanding IP minting functionality throughout the parachain universe under a common standard.
First thing you do is make your record and secure your KYC with the goal that your information is particularly attached to you. And afterward you make an Intellectual Property Set (IP SET), Which is an assortment of documents that address the whole thought Vision and approach put away as NFTS. You transfer every information document and store them as a protected innovation tokens in the IP Set. An IP token is essentially a part of the thought. So you transfer all that you have made including the game plan, game logo, game physical science, UI, 3D models and even voice accounts and audio effects, all to the IP Set, which will be generally put away on a decentralized off-chain document stockpiling convention and gives a special hash or CID that is utilized to demand information. This is fundamentally the way into your IP Set.
Moreover, InvArch network is assembled utilizing Substrate, which permits designers to rapidly and effectively make promising blockchains upgraded for any utilization case. Thus, the InvArch hub comprises of FRAME Pallets, these are more modest parts that go about as building blocks that characterize a bunch of capacities for the runtime. The Substrate was not picked here by some coincidence, yet to send the InvArch blockchain in the Polkadot multi-chain biological system and the parachain transfer.
In addition, With the InvArch project, users can leverage skills and offer equity in a venture opportunity. InvArch might be contrasted with a mixture between an expert systems administration stage and a variety of a protected innovation authenticator, instead of people utilizing abilities and businesses extending to a compensation in an employment opportunity application.
In conclusion, the InvArch team has been working on adding EVM smart contract functionality to InvArch, this way Ethereum (Solidity) developers can start building on InvArch with little to no learning curve!
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